Welcome to The City of Whispers!

It’s finally here! The culmination of years of work, I’m so pleased to announce the release of the fourth and final book in the Dino Wars series, The City of Whispers!

Dino Wars Book 4

The new book will see our heroes face their final battles in the quest to disarm the Coda Program. The Ebook is available to pre-order NOW and will be released on the 21st of April. Yikes! That’s next week! Click here to pre-order.

AND to celebrate the release, the first book in the Dino Wars series will be available for free for 48 hours on ebook, starting 21st of April. How’s that for a treat? Even if you have the first book already, why not download the ebook for free so you always have it to hand on your phone’s Kindle app?

That’s all for now! Stay ROAR-some!