Twelve Days of Xmas Book Recommendations – Day 2 – Colin Mulhern

Colin Mulhern writes horrible books for horrible kids (his words, not mine). His latest is Buttercup Sunshine and the Zombies of Dooooom!

Granny Fondant is waking up to another perfect day in Briar’s Cove – the nicest, safest, sweetest town there ever was, where nothing bad ever happens. She spots Buttercup Sunshine running down the lane, the friendliest, most angelic girl… But wait! How odd. Why would Buttercup be holding a chainsaw?”

Delightfully horrific and horrifically delightful. Perfect gift for your little monsters!

The Twelve Days of Xmas Book Recommendations are randomly picked from my rolodex of awesome authors. Try recommending your own with the hashtag #supportanauthor!